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S.A.S. NICEMATIC company, capital 15 000 Euros
Numero di registrazione: 408 427 078 00014 RCS
IVA francese (TVA) Numero: 41 408 427 078
7 chemin de la Glaciére, 06200 Nice – France
fix: +33 (0) 4 92 15 06 97

Si prega di inviare il vostro assegno, posta o il pacchetto di:
7, chemin de la Glaciére
06200 Nice

Open every day, 8 am to 5 pm (France GMT+1), Sabato e domenica chiuso.


Qualsiasi domanda ?

Se avete più domande inviaci un messaggio e vi risponderemo al più presto.

commercial@nicematic.com – contact@nicematic.com

NICEMATIC offers a wide variety of entertainment products.
Since 2020 we have started to idealize and manufacture our own machines. The importation of the entire product range is carried out with care.
If you are interested in giving some happiness to children and boosting your business, write to us or call us and we will try to answer you as soon as possible.

Over the years of working on the market we have proven to be a serious and reliable company. Our customers enjoy top quality services and goods thanks to our professionalism and commitment.
You can also become a Nicematic partner and enjoy all the advantages and preferences of our partnership. We can export our products to your country, so that you can receive them at your business location without any additional activity on your part.
Do you want to boost your business and bring joy with our dispensers, products or crane machines? The company that can provide them to you is right here! Just contact us!

In case you want to take advantage of our top-notch services or simply want to ask a question, don’t hesitate and contact us immediately!



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